Find answers to common questions in our comprehensive FAQ section, providing clarity and support for your crypto journey.
How much do the trading bots cost?
You can get all of BreadBytes strategies absolutely free by using one of our partnered exchange referral links.
Why am I being asked to sign up with one of your partnered exchange referral links?
This allows BreadBytes to offer our catalog of strategies to our members for FREE. By using our referral link we will get a share of the trading fees that you already pay to the exchange, in return. There is no additional cost to the user and it allows BreadBytes to be compensated for all of our hard work.
If I'm already using someone else's referral can I switch it to BreadBytes?
Yes. Most exchanges allow you to move your referral from one person/entity to another. You will want to reach out to the exchange directly for this transition. If you need assistance we can contact our personal exchange representative to guide you through the process. Simply use the 'Contact Us' form and let us know.
Are BreadBytes strategies developed in-house or are they created by a third party company?
All of BreadBytes strategies are created by our in-house developer utilizing the combined 20+ years of knowledge and trading experience that the team has. This means that we have full control of the strategy and thoroughly understand the ins and outs of how it operates.
How do I create an account with your partnered exchange referral program?
You can fill out the referral form on our website here: https://breadbytes.com/referral
How much money is required to trade a BreadBytes strategy and is there a limit to how much money I can trade with?
Some exchanges do require a minimum amount of money to copy trade, however, this is typically a small amount (usually $50+). At this time there are no limits on how much the user can trade with.
Will BreadBytes have access to my funds within the exchange?
No. All of your funds will remain on the exchange and BreadBytes does not have access to your money whatsoever.
If I experience problems setting up an account with the exchange who can I contact?
Please use the 'Contact Us' form as we may be able to help you identify and resolve the issue. If we cannot help you fix it then we may need to refer you to the exchange.
If I experience missed trading signals who can I contact?
Please use the 'Contact Us' form and include any information regarding the missed signal so that we may investigate further.
Why does my entry/exit look different than the entry/exit reported in the BreadBytes trade logs?
This may be a result of the slippage that naturally occurs with each exchange. Each exchange has their own order books so someone trading on ByBit may see a different entry than someone trading on BitGet. While these discrepancies are small they do sometimes occur. If you notice larger variances in price please reach out to the team.
What is copy trading?
Copy trading is a strategy where traders can automatically copy the trades of other more experienced traders in real time within their own exchange trading account.
Is there a community for BreadBytes?
Yes you can join our community discord here: https://discord.com/invite/XFR8qyQFCB
Can BreadBytes create a custom strategy for me?
Depending on our developers workload we may be able to help accommodate creating custom strategies. For additional information and pricing please use the 'Contact Us' form to schedule a meeting.
I represent an exchange and want to partner with the BreadBytes team.
Please use the 'Contact Us' form on the website to schedule a meeting.
How can I get in contact with a BreadBytes member?
You can use the 'Contact Us' form on the website or alternatively reach out to one of us directly in our community Discord.
Last updated